New Prospectuses Launched
Two new prospectuses have been issued for funding opportunities relating to the My Life a Full Life programme
My Life a Full Life Infrastructure Prospectus 2014
The aim of this particular prospectus is to provide support to build the quality/capacity of key ‘community infrastructure’ facilities (most likely to be buildings or equipment) which have a strong focus on the delivery of the MLAFL programme.
This funding is to help local voluntary organisations with a ‘one off’ capital spend of up to £10,000 that can be used to refurbish an existing building from which the service is run from and/or to purchase item/s of equipment that will enhance the facilities and add capacity to the MLAFL programme. The closing date for applications is 9 June 2014 (12 mid-day)
The prospectus can be found on the Community Action website at
All proposals for this prospectus should be discussed with Elizabeth Martin on 01983 539376 or by e mail on before work commences on any potential bid for this funding. This is the only way to secure an approved application form. The closing date for applications is Monday 9th June 2014 (12 mid-day)
Long Term Conditions Peer Support Group Prospectus 2014
Part of the My Life a Full Life programme of planned activity is to help people to support and care for themselves will be to commission self-help groups and peer support programmes on the Isle of Wight through working in partnership with the Third Sector. This Prospectus is open to new and existing voluntary and community support groups that work to with, and for, individuals with specific long term conditions and the families, carers and friends. Bids are invited that support people living with a specified long term condition.
Bids will be expected to contribute to some or all of the following objectives:
- Supporting people to manage their health condition more effectively
- Developing new activities within the group to help people develop their knowledge and skills to self manage their specific health condition
- Providing information about local support options and services for that health condition
- Producing a patient information pack
Individual applications can bid for sums up to £10,000. The closing date for applications is Monday 16th June 2014 (12 mid-day)
All proposals for this prospectus should be discussed with Elaine Garrett, Health and Wellbeing Development Manager on 01983 524058 or by e mail on before work commences on any potential bid for this funding. This is the only way to secure an approved application form.
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