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Optio Voluntary Car Service

Optio Voluntary Car Service is a membership scheme for the elderly and frail which operates with volunteer drivers using their own vehicles to take passengers to pre-booked destinations. These are often for medical appointments, but can also be for other reasons.

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Optio Membership

Currently shut to new members as we try and recruit some additional volunteers.

Membership of Optio is for elderly or frail people who have transport difficulties accessing medical and social appointments.

Hundreds of people across the Island rely on volunteer drivers to help them get out and about and do everyday things that most of us take for granted. A simple trip to the doctor’s surgery or an important appointment at the hospital can be complicated, if not impossible, for some people without the support of a volunteer driver.       

Optio aims to provide a reliable and affordable voluntary car service. We ask that requests for trips be made two days in advance as we are neither an emergency service nor a taxi service.  Annual memberships are valid from September until the following September.  Prices for 2022/23 are £45 for single membership and £65 for a couple. If you would like to know more about joining Optio please contact us.

Membership renewal 2024-25

Volunteer Drivers

If you are a car owner, have a few hours to spare each week and like to help and meet new people, you could make a valuable contribution to your community.

Most trips are done during working hours on weekdays occasionally we may ask if a driver is available on a weekend. Our volunteer drivers tell us when they are available and the scheme co-ordinator matches up the travel requests from members to the drivers available. Drivers collect passengers from their home, taking them to their appointment and returning them back home.

Driver’s expenses are reimbursed at an agreed rate, this is calculated on mileage. 

If you feel that you are able to offer your services and would like further information, please get in touch with us.

Complete application form Optio DriverApplication Form and return to Optio Volunteer:

Driver Information Leaflet

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